Music to be Seen. This Week: June 20-25
June 21:
Defining Five* 6 p.m.Haymarket Whiskey Bar - Free
*Defining Five is a series at Haymarket Whiskey Bar, where, each month, five people from the Louisville music community pick five songs that have moved, inspired or impacted them and then play them during a DJ set.
Joe Dunn Band 5 p.m.Kentucky Center
Andy McKee at Zanzabar 8 PM $20
June 22:
Selena Gomez 6:30 p.m. KFC YUM! Center $34-$126
June 23:
Dead Halos, Jaxon Lee Swain, Sick Velvet 9 p.m. at Kaiju
BigFoot Buffalo, The Moonlight Peddlers, The New Bottom Sop at New Vintage $7
June 23:
Tracers, Frontier Folk Nebraska, Hot Prowlers Zanzabar $8
June 24
HoneyHoney, Ryan Joseph Anderson at Zanzabar. $12
The Sweet Spot Headliners $20-$40
The Velcro Pygmies, Thunderstruck Jeffersonville River Stage
New Bravado, Shawnthony Calypso, White Knight Kaiju
The Quiet Hollers, Mad Anthony, Alone at 3am, Frances & The Foundation at the New Vintage $10
Faux Fiction, Oddity, The Empty Room, Shadowpact at Tim Faulkner Gallery
June 25:
Wildwood & Jericho Woods, City of Country at Diamond Pub (Concert Hall) $10-$12
Montgomery Gentry at Fourth Street Live! $15-$20
Wussy, The Fervor, Frederick The Younger at Headliners $10-$12
Louisville Philharmonia Pops Concert at Iroquois Ampitheater
Diane Coffee at Zanzabar $10