Lindsey Stirling @ Louisville Palace 10.16.15
On a perfect Saturday night, Louisville Palace welcomed Lindsey Stirling to a sold out show, and what a show it was. Fans were treated to stunning visual effects, seamless change overs, and a great team of dancers that kept the night going smooth. The set started with Lindsey running down the isle opening song on to the stage. The rest of the show included songs from all 3 of her records including The Arena, Crystallize, and fan favorite Prism which she recently released a new music video for. Around halfway through the set their seemed to be some technical difficulties that Lindsey, being a professional, was completely prepared for. She brought out her dog Luna, a very shy Chihuahua to perform. She attempted to get her to do tricks however only managed to get her stand up due to the fact that Luna “didn’t like the treats”. Once the technical difficulties were taken care of Lindsey powered through the rest of her set. On the last song titled “Stars Align” the sound got cranked up to eleven and the crowd was on it’s feet with everyone moving and wanting an encore once the song was over, and they got one. It started as a guitar/violin duel that went straight into a Roundtable Rival/Don’t let this feeling fade combo that was fitting to end the night on. Which, who doesn’t what that feeling to fade after seeing Lindsey Stirling perform at the top of her game? If you get a chance to catch this tour go. You won’t be disappointed. You may not know her name going in but you will once you leave
Review and photos courtesy of Caleb Lowndes