The Louisville Palace
For years the heart of Louisville's downtown commercial district was Fourth Street. Shopping and dining were wonderful. There wasn't a better way to end the day than taking in a movie at one of the gorgeous theatres - the Rialto, the Kentucky, the Ohio, Mary Anderson, Majestic, or any of the other movie houses of the day. The most beautiful of these theatres, The Louisville Palace, and only one of two that survived urban renewal. On the occasion of it's grand opening on September 1, 1928, the Courier Journal called the theatre, then known as the Loew's and United Artists State theatre, an architectural marvel. "Enter and view with astonishment the magnificence that the hand of man has wrought. The more you look, the more you will see." Designed by the noted architect, John Eberson, the theatre prospered through the early 70's as a first run movie palace. After decades of operating as a Cinema house, a bright new future began for The Louisville Palace in the early 90's when investors undertook a multi - million dollar restoration to recreate the opulence which had been the hallmark of this architectural treasure.
The exterior facade of this Historical venue, although dynamic in appearance, diminished in comparison with the immensity and spectacular design of the Spanish Baroque motif that characterizes the interior of the theatre. Upon entering the 2800 seat theatre, you will feel as through you have stepped into an immense Spanish courtyard. In any direction, Eberson's unique architectural style lends something magnificent to please the eye and spark the imagination. With a sky of mid night blue amid twinkling stars, you will be surrounded by the grottos and stately images with castle-like features. You will wonder what hidden treasures of secret passageways exist beyond!
Since it's opening in 1928, millions of patrons have come to The Louisville Palace for the finest movies and best in live entertainment. Rededicated in 1994, The Louisville Palace is alive and well, and the Louisville community is enriched by the multitude of exciting performances. Today, the name is synonymous with the finest in touring Broadway attractions, local, national, and international performing arts presentations, classic films, and concert engagements featuring contemporary, gospel, R&B, variety, comedy, and country artists. A treasure to generations of Louisvillians, the theatre's legacy as Louisville's grand Palace for entertainment continues!
The Louisville Palace offers a robust stage presence with audio equipment and visual lighting to match the passion of our visiting performance artists.